11 results
Several artifacts can cause significant and potentially misleading alterations to measured RBC parameters: 
1. Old samples
Acanthocytes #TearCells #Dacrocytes ... Elliptocytes #Ovalocytes #Echinocytes
Morphologic Findings in Red Blood Cells
Basophilic stippling - Small blue dots in red cells, due to
fragmentation Dacrocytes ... erythrocytes Echinocytes
Dacrocytes (tear drop cells) 
Other poikilocytes resemble a pear or teardrop. The narrow, tapered end
may be
Dacrocytes (tear ... A dacrocyte is seen ... Dacrocytes are found ... #Blood #Smear #Dacrocytes
Causes of Anemia with Normal Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Decreased WBCs
 - Decreased/NormaI
Polychromatic Macrocytes ... Polychromatic Macrocytes
The arrows point to blister cells. These cells are thought to be precursors of helmet cells.
acanthocyte and an echinocyte
Schistocytes can assume a shape resembling natural or man-made objects such as arrowheads, fish, collar buttons,
2 burr cells (echinocytes
Warm Antibody Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia 
 • Anemia: macrocytic > normocytic, ↑ reticulocytes
Differential → schizocytes
Causes of Anemia with elevated Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Normal Blood Smear
• Drugs Oval Macrocytes
Spur-Cell Anemia- A 31-year-old man with a history of cirrhosis, recurrent hepatic encephalopathy, and anemia presented
confused with echinocytes
Red Blood Cell (RBC) Morphology
Microcytic RBC: Pyridoxine deficiency, Thalassemia, Iron deficiency anemia, Chronic disease anemia (sometimes),
Burr Cell RBC (Echinocyte