86 results
Achenbach’s Syndrome - A previously healthy 66-year-old woman presented with sudden-onset pain and bruising in her
sudden-onset pain and bruising ... SpontaneousBleeding #Bruising ... #DigitalBleeding
Bleeding and Bruising - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
 • Vascular System Defect - Congenital vs Acquired
Bleeding and Bruising ... #Bleeding #Bruising
This is another example of facial bruising. Here again the face appears to be cyanotic (including
example of facial bruising ... manifestation of bruising ... #facial #bruising
Causes of Bleeding / Bruising - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Thrombocytopenia - Quantitative Defect
 • Decreased Production
of Bleeding / Bruising ... #Bleeding #Bruising
Clinical Examination for Liver and Biliary Diseases
1) Hands: Clubbing, Dupuytren's contracture, Leuconychia, Bruising, Flapping tremor (hepatic
, Leuconychia, Bruising ... Tumour 6) Legs: Bruising
Ecchymosis: Bluish discoloration of skin caused by bruising with resultant subcutaneous collection
of blood.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. -
skin caused by bruising
Approach to Leukocytosis - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm

Features of hematologic malignancy:
 • Symptoms: B-symptoms, bruising/bleeding, fatigue/weakness, immunosuppression
Symptoms: B-symptoms, bruising
Erythema Nodosum - Causes and Differential Diagnosis 
Appearance:  erythematous painful lumps usually 1-6 cm in
sometimes have “bruising
In a patient in the supine position, raising the leg with the knee extended stretches the
supine position, raising ... by straight leg raising ... crossed straight-leg-raising ... test) involves raising
Standardized Physical Abuse Guideline
<6 months of age
 • Social work consult
 • Skeletal survey
 • Head
CBC, PT, PTT if bruising