19 results
Mixing instructions for epinephrine - a "dirty epi drip"

 - Inject 1 mg of epinephrine into
epinephrine - a "dirty ... #Epinephrine #Dirty

Dirty wounds pose an increased risk for tetanus. Clinicians should consider
FOR WOUNDS Dirty ... consider wounds dirty ... contaminated with dirt
Antiarrhythmic Drug Classes 
IA: "Police Department Questions 
IB: Liquored Man 
IC: For Peeing, 
Ill: After Drinking
In Dark IV: Dirty
Necrotizing Fasciitis on POCUS

Dirty Shadow = ring down artifact. 

- MaimoUltrasound https://twitter.com/MaimoUltrasound

#Necrotizing #Fasciitis #POCUS #Cellulitis #Ultrasound
Fasciitis on POCUS Dirty
Soft Tissue Infection with Cobblestoning and hyperechoic "dirty shadowing" on POCUS

60yo male with h/o diabetes presents
and hyperechoic "dirty ... hyperechoic with "dirty
Fournier’s Gangrene on Scrotal Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)

Characteristic ultrasound appearance of Fournier’s
gangrene, demonstrating scrotal wall
hyperechoic foci with ‘‘dirty
Gallbladder Stone Mimic on POCUS

Adjacent bowel can mimic GB stone .The shadow it casts is a
it casts is a dirty
Subcutaneous Emphysema on POCUS

Air, air everywhere...but not a lung in sight?! 18M hit in neck with
with posterior dirty
Pneumoperitoneum on POCUS

Anechoic free fluid seen in the Morrison’s pouch; the article does show some clear
pneumoperitoneum and dirty
POCUS of a bladder demonstrating emphysematous cystitis. 

Note the reverberation artifact with dirty shadowing in the
artifact with dirty