2859 results
ABCs of Lung Ultrasound - POCUS

Pitt Internal Medicine Point of Care Ultrasound @PittIMPOCUS

.mp4 Hi-Res Version Here:
Hi-Res Version Here ... profiles-ultrasound-differential-pocus-lung
Mediastinal masses are discussed in more detail in Mediastinal masses.
Here is just a brief overview. #Diagnosis
Here is just a brief ... Mediastinal #Mass #Differential
Chronic Cough - Diagnosis Algorithm

Cough is the most common presenting symptom to primary care. If a
Here is an approach ... Diagnosis #Algorithm #Differential
Elevated Transaminases / Transaminitis - Differential Diagnosis

 • Infectious: HAV, HCV, HEV, EBV, HSV, CMV
Transaminitis - Differential ... Updated Schema Here ... Transaminases #hepatitis #Differential
POCUS Algorithm for Chest Pain

Integrating POCUS in crashing chest pain is complex. Know the views that
narrowing the differential ... Here are my go-to
Pathogens in Pneumonia

Here is a quick review of the pathogens causing pneumonia (useful for enumerating differentials
in Pneumonia Here ... for enumerating differentials ... Pathogens #Pneumonia #Differential
Causes of Increased Amylase (Hyperamylasemia)
Increased serum amylase is not always due to pancreatitis. Here are some
Here are some other ... elevation #diagnosis #differential
Causes of ileitis beyond Crohn’s disease and infections include systemic disorders -spondyloarthropathies, vasculitides, ischemia, and amyloidosis
Here is a super ... #GI #Ileitis #Differential
Cavities frequently arise within a mass or an area of consolidation as a result of necrosis.
will discuss them here ... In the differential ... To differentiate
Solitary Pulmonary Nodule
Click here for more detailed information about Solitary Pulmonary Nodule
A solitary pulmonary nodule or
Pulmonary Nodule Click here ... The differential ... SolitaryPulmonaryNodule #Differential