7178 results
Mastitis in the Lactating Woman - FOAMCast @FOAMpodcast

#Diagnosis #Management #Mastitis #Lactating #Patient #Lactation #FOAMCast
Mastitis in the Lactating ... Management #Mastitis #Lactating ... #Patient #Lactation
ER Care of the Lactating Patient - FOAMCast @FOAMpodcast

#Diagnosis #Management #Lactating #Lactation #Patient #Evaluation #PumpAndDump #Overview
ER Care of the Lactating ... Diagnosis #Management #Lactating ... #Lactation #Patient
Medications During Breastfeeding - FOAMCast @FOAMpodcast

#Pharmacology #Medications #Lactating #Lactation #Patients #Safety #Table #FOAMCast
#Medications #Lactating ... #Lactation #Patients
Thiamine Deficiency - Differential Diagnosis Framework and Clinical Manifestations

Causes of Thiamine Deficiency:
 • Poor intake:
	- Diets
Framework and Clinical ... Pregnancy - Lactation
Causes of Copper Deficiency - Differential Diagnosis
 - Menkes disease, familial hypoceruloplasminemia
Decreased / Inadequate Intake:
Pregnant women, lactating
Feedback Loop: Prolactin (PRL)
 • PRL levels exhibit diurnal, menstrual, and age-related variation
 • TRH has
and release -> Lactation
Iron Deficiency Anemia - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm

Labs: Ferritin, iron, transferrin, TIBC, TSAT, sTfR

 • Blood loss:
Anorexia, Pregnancy, Lactation
Causes of Iron Deficiency - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
 • Blood loss: GI (cancer, ulcer, IBD), GU
Adolescence, Pregnancy, Lactation
Causes of Hypomagnesemia
 - IV glucose
 - Correction of diabetic ketoacidosis
 - IV hyperalimentation
 - Refeeding
infrequent) - Lactation
Common pediatric rashes you see in clinic. How to differentiate them? Name that rash.

#pediatrics #peds #rashes
rashes you see in clinic ... #peds #rashes #clinical