47 results
Alcohol Withdrawal Timeline
Minor withdrawal (6 to 36 hours) - Tremulousness, mild anxiety, headache, diaphoresis, palpitations, gastrointestinal
seizures, short postictal ... Withdrawal #Timeline #etoh
Coarctation of the Aorta 

Preductal Coarctation:
Narrowing is proximal to ductus arteriosus Life-threatening if severe; seen in
ductus closes Postductal ... Aorta #Preductal #Postductal
Alcohol Pharmacology and Toxicology

#Alcohol #Cessation #Pharmacology #etoh #toxicology #medications #management
#Pharmacology #etoh
Alcohol Use Disorder: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

 • Tolerance (reduced sensitivity to effects of EtOH)
to effects of EtOH ... exacerbated by EtOH ... recovering from EtOH ... desire to use EtOH ... AlcoholUseDisorder #EtOH
Alcohol Withdrawal Management Algorithm

Mild vs Moderate/Severe

#Management #Alcohol #Withdrawal #EtOH #Protocol #Algorithm #Phenobarbital #Diazepam #Valium
Alcohol #Withdrawal #EtOH
Pathogens in Pneumonia

Here is a quick review of the pathogens causing pneumonia (useful for enumerating differentials
S. pneumoniae (EtOH ... Acinetobacter — EtOH ... - Anaerobes (EtOH
Diagnostic Algorithm for the Patient with Seizure in the Emergency Department
Does the history suggest a seizure?
generalized - Postictal
Atrial Fibrillation - Diagnosis, Causes, Presentations
Causes (PIRATES):
 - Pulmonary embolism 
 - Ischemia (cardiac) 
1st episode - EtOH
The Hot and Altered Patient in the ED - Differential Diagnosis Framework
 • Heat Stroke
Sympathomimetic Toxidrome • ETOH
Causes of Approach to Altered Level of Consciousness - Workup
Clinical Exam - Focal
 • Trauma
Abnormality • Postictal