23 results
Robotic lung transplant - Intraoperative View

If you were wondering how a 4L donor lung can possibly
Robotic lung transplant ... Robotic lung transplant ... @LALungTx #Robotic
Ureter Pus Expression after DJ Ureteral Stent Placement on Cystoscopy - Emphysematous Pyelonephritis

Dr. Ranjeet Patil @ranjeet004

Stent Placement on Cystoscopy ... Stent #Placement #Cystoscopy
Ureteral Papillary Mass on Cystoscopy
Cystoscopic examination of the bladder in a 69 yo woman w/new-onset gross
Papillary Mass on Cystoscopy ... Cystoscopic examination ... Papillary #Mass #Cystoscopy
Urothelial Carcinoma - Examination of the bladder with a rigid cystoscope revealed a papillary mass that
bladder with a rigid cystoscope ... Urology #Honc #Cystoscopy
IBD - Assessment of Lack of Response (sLOR) - Differential Diagnosis
Non-inflammatory mechanisms:
 • IBS
 • Fibrostenotic
#Inflammatory #BowelDisease
Hematuria Workup and Diagnosis Algorithm
 • Confirm hematuria → Urinalysis >3 RBCs/HPF, exclude mimics, repeat testing
to Urology for cystoscopy
Algorithmic Approach to Anemia - Differential Diagnosis Framework by MCV

Microcytic (MCV < 80) "TAILS":
 • Thalassemia
B12 deficiency, Orotic
Persistent UC Symptoms Despite 5-ASA Therapies
 • Assess for Drug Adherence
 • Disease Activity Assessment (bloody
CAMs (curcumin, probiotic
Imaging Modalities for Renal Calculus

 - Good far calcium-containing stones useful when limited radiation dose
Surgical—retrograde cystoscopy
Mixed Urinary Incontinence: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

Urgency Urinary Incontinence (UUI) -> Urinary leakage preceded by a
obstruction visible on cystoscopy