7173 results
Urine sediment with struvite, coffin-shaped stones under light microscopy

#Urine #Sediment #Microscopy #Struvite #Coffin #Clinical #Nephrology
sediment with struvite ... Sediment #Microscopy #Struvite ... #Coffin #Clinical
Urine Microscopy - Kidney Stones and Crystals 

Uric Acid, Cystine, Hippurate, Cloth Fiber, Tyrosine, CaOx, CaP,
, CaOx, CaCO3, Struvite ... Shapes #Diagnosis #Clinical
Neobladder Stone - Computed tomography of the abdomen and pelvis showed an obstructing stone in the
composed of 20% struvite ... #Clinical #Urology

80% of stones are composed of calcium oxalate or phosphate. Others include uric acid (9%),
uric acid (9%), struvite ... Struvite stones, ... and facilitates struvite ... uretericcalculus #struvite
Lower Urinary Tract Infections: Complications
 - Infection damages the urinary tract epithelium causing fibroblast proliferation and
supersaturation of urine -> Struvite
Urine Microscopy Crystals
Uric Acid crystals:
 - Formation promoted by acidic urine
 - Seen in tumor lysis
phosphate (a.k.a. struvite
Causes of Nephrolithiasis - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Radio-opaque - Calcium-containing - 90% of stones
Radiolucent - Non-calcium 10%
Soft Stones - Struvite
Causes of Urinary Tract Obstruction - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Upper Tract - Bladder NOT distended on ultrasound,
x-ray] • Struvite
Types of Renal Calculi

Calcium oxalate
 - Interstitial apatite plaque, Low urine volume, Increased urinary calcium excretion,
incidence 1/10,000) Struvite
Common pediatric rashes you see in clinic. How to differentiate them? Name that rash.

#pediatrics #peds #rashes
rashes you see in clinic ... #peds #rashes #clinical