11 results
Bile acids are the end products of cholesterol catabolism. Cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid are the
primary bile acids synthesized ... Human liver synthesizes ... diabetes, #bile, #bileacids
Mechanism of Action of Bile Acid Sequestrants
Bile Acid Sequestrants → ↓ Hepatic Bile Acid Pool →
#pharmacology #bileacid
Pathways Involved in Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism in Chronic Kidney Disease. The tricarboxylic acid (TCA)
Urea is synthesized
Lipoprotein Metabolism

Enterocytes release absorbed lipids the form of triglyceride-rich chylomicrons. These are acted upon by endothelial
cholesterol to synthesize
Bleeding manifestations 
Petechiae are small, flat, red, discrete areas of skin bleeding that are typically <2
Glycoprotein Synthesized
Antibiotic classification refers to the categorization of antibiotics based on their chemical structure, mechanism of action,
bacteria use to synthesize
Low Alkaline Phosphatase - Hypophosphatasia 

Is Low Alkaline Phosphatase Of Clinical Importance?

ALP enzyme- Discovered in 1923
by Rathbun ALP synthesized
Discovered by Tillett & Francis in 1930. First identified as a substance in the serum
pentameric protein synthesized
Acute-phase Reactants Synthesized in the Liver 
Positive acute-phase reactants (concentrations increase with acute inflammation)
 - Immune-related
Acute-phase Reactants Synthesized ... AcutePhaseReactants #Synthesized
Retroviral Infections: Mechanisms of Oncogenesis
Note: A retrovirus is an RNA virus that uses reverse transcriptase to
transcriptase to synthesize