70 results
Urinary Tract Infection on Bladder Ultrasound with Mobile Debris

Dustin Morrow MD @ https://twitter.com/SonoSerious

#UrinaryTractInfection #UTI #Bladder #Ultrasound
Ultrasound with Mobile Debris ... SonoSerious #UrinaryTractInfection ... Bladder #Ultrasound #Debris
Herpes Simplex Virus 
 • Expanded paracortex 
 • HSV-infected cells are 
present in areas
karyorrhectic debris ... Dennis O'Malley
Pediatric UTI Algorithm (2-24 months of age)

Risk stratify with UTI Calc: 
 - Age months
Diagnosis #Management #UrinaryTractInfection
Plankton Sign on Lung POCUS

Plankton sign = floating debris --> the swirling, punctiform internal echoes within
sign = floating debris
Lower Urinary Tract Infections: Complications
 - Infection damages the urinary tract epithelium causing fibroblast proliferation and
NH3) #Lower #UrinaryTractInfection
Trichodysplasia spinulosa: follicles plugged w/ hyperkeratotic & parakeratotic debris, excessive inner root sheath differentiation towards keratinization.
parakeratotic debris
Upper Urinary Tract infection (UUTI): Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

Predisposing Factors:
 - Immunocompromised, Diabetes,
 - Elderly, Female
Serratia #Upper #UrinaryTractInfection
Boerhaave Syndrome on Endoscopy
Another spontaneous esophageal perforation (Boerhaave Syndrome) with gross mediastinal soiling from retching a
suctioned food debris
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) - Differential Diagnosis Framework
 • Due to true volume loss or decreased
system • Cellular debris
Lower Urinary Tract Infection: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

- Predisposing Factors:  Immunocompromised state, diabetes, elderly, female
rare) #Lower #UrinaryTractInfection