10 results
Urinoma and Calyceal rupture on Renal Ultrasound
Sudden onset Rt flank pain.  Patient has right distal
Urinoma and Calyceal ... Urinoma most likely ... due to minor calyces ... RJonesSonoEM #Urinoma ... #Calyceal #rupture
UVJ Stone on Bladder Ultrasound - Sagittal
Patient has right distal UVJ stone with hydronephrosis and urinoma.
hydronephrosis and urinoma ... Urinoma most likely ... due to minor calyces
Hydronephrosis and Urinoma from Calyx Rupture on POCUS
1-year memory.  Felt Rt flank pain to groin
Hydronephrosis and Urinoma ... around kidney (urinoma ... suspected minor calyces ... Hydronephrosis #Urinoma
Hydronephrosis Grading
Grade I - Pelviectasis 
Grade II - Caliectasis (Major Calyces)
Grade III - Caliectasis (Minor Calyces)
Caliectasis (Major Calyces ... Caliectasis (Minor Calyces
Ureteral Stone on Renal POCUS

A 23yo male with no significant PMHx presents with acute LLQ pain,
likely from a calyceal
Imaging Modalities for Renal Calculus

 - Good far calcium-containing stones useful when limited radiation dose
system duplication, calyceal
Hydronephrosis and Urinoma on Renal POCUS (Transverse)
Pt c/o RUQ pain. Has known gallstones and states feels
Hydronephrosis and Urinoma ... around kidney (urinoma ... Hydronephrosis #Urinoma
Urothelial Thickening on Renal POCUS
Teenager (female) with flank pain and fever.  POCUS to evaluate for
Prox ureter and a calyce
Perinephric fluid on POCUS

Differential Diagnosis: Calyceal rupture due to obstruction (eg, ureteral stone, crossing vessels, compression
Differential Diagnosis: Calyceal

Preferred procedure in pregnant women and in patients allergic to IV contrast.
Not dependent on the composition
crystal-laden calyceal