26 results
Mediastinal Widening - Differential Diagnosis

 • Vascular: Aortic dissection, Aortic anourysm, Enlarged pulmonary arteries, Venous or
Mediastinal Widening ... #Mediastinal #Widening
Common sodium channel blockers which cause QRS widening.

 - Carbamazepine 
 - Group
which cause QRS widening ... Adriamycin #QRS #widening
Hypomagnesemia (Serum level < 1.7 mg/dL)
Neuromuscular manifestations 
 • Tremor, tetany, seizures 
 • Weakness
Prolonged QTc • Widening
Hyperkalemia - Management Algorithm
 • IV calcium
 • IV insulin and glucose and/or salbutamolt
 • Consider
amplitude of P waves, Widening ... shift, Progressive widening
Hyperkaelemia ECG Features - With mild to moderate hyperkalemia, there is reduction of the size of
hyperkalemia results in a widening
Quinidine produces the following ECG changes:
1. Prolongation of Q-T interval:
2. Prolongation of QRS complex:
3. Prominent V
T wave widening
Pancreatic Cyst Diagnosis on Endoscopic Ultrasound EUS
Features of low cancer risk: No symptoms caused by the
cyst wall, No widening
Major electrocardiogram findings induced by left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH)
An increase in left ventricular mass augments the
associated with widening
Feedback Loop: Growth Hormone (GH)
Growth Hormone:
 • Liver -> GHR activates JAK-STAT pathway -> Incr IGF1
or acromegaly, widening
Ankylosing Spondylitis: Pathogenesis and Clinical findings
 • Pain in lumbar area and gluteal region: (Dull, insidious
Blurring and pseudo-widening