The Calgary Guide to Understanding Disease @TheCalgaryGuide
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Account created for The Calgary Guide to Understanding Disease - Linking pathophysiology to clinical presentation -
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55 results
Lewy Body Dementia: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
Lewy Body Dementia is a sub-category of major or mild
neurocognitive disorders ... sleep behavior disorder
Necrotizing Fasciitis: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

#NecrotizingFasciitis #pathophysiology #orthopedics
pathophysiology #orthopedics
Stress Fracture: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Abnormal biomechanics, Repetitive impact activities
=> Repetitive subthreshold mechanical loading
=> Bone strain
StressFractures #msk #orthopedics
Falls: Pathogenesis and Complications
Disorders affecting movement and balance
 - Sensory deficits
 - Neuromuscular degeneration/Cerebrovascular disease
Poly-pharmacy Disorders
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Gastrointestinal Manifestations
 - Thrombosis of vessels in the pancreas, Vasculitis -> Acute Pancreatitis
Esophageal Motility Disorders
Schizotypal Personality Disorder (SPD): Pathogenesis and clinical findings
 • Magical thinking - Belief in paranormal or
Schizotypal Personality Disorder ... developmental disorders
Subtrochanteric Femur Fracture: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
 • Subtrochanteric region spans 5 cm distally from the
Fractures #msk #orthopedics ... #diagnosis #differential
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Psychological Hypothesis
 • Cognitive behavioral model: Emotional disturbance arising from
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder ... Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Pathogenesis of Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety Disorders: A maladaptive emotional state causing fear,
worry, and excessive stress, characterized by:
Pathogenesis of Anxiety Disorders ... Anxiety Disorders ... ) #Anxiety #Disorders
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

Symptoms (included in DSM 5 criteria) - Present during
Major Depressive Disorder ... Seasonal Affective Disorder