1013 results
Risk factors for atherosclerosis

Modifiable risk factors:
 - Dyslipidemia (elevated LDL, decreased HDL)
 - Tobacco smoking
Advanced age - Male ... (before 55 for males ... for females) #Pathophysiology
Feedback Loop: Prolactin (PRL)
 • PRL levels exhibit diurnal, menstrual, and age-related variation
 • TRH has
testosterone in males ... endocrinology #pathophysiology
Lower Urinary Tract Infections: Complications
 - Infection damages the urinary tract epithelium causing fibroblast proliferation and
Urosepsis - In males ... UrinaryTractInfection #LUTI #Pathophysiology
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD): Pathogenesis and clinical findings
 - For diagnosis, must have either 26
more common in males ... females (4:1) - Males ... BehavioralDisorder #Pathophysiology
21-Hydroxylase Deficiency (21-OHD): Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
Autosomal recessive mutation in CYP21A2 coding for the enzyme 21-OHase
be labeled as males ... #21HydroxylaseDeficiency #21OHD #pathophysiology
Guillain-Barre Syndrome - Summary

Acute AIDP that presents with rapidly progressive flaccid weakness

 • 1-2 cases/100,000 per
Slightly greater in males ... Guillain-Barre Pathophysiology
Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia - Illness Script

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY: Unknown trigger, reversible inflammatory/fibroproliferative process. Polypoid fibroblastic aggregates that plug
Illness Script PATHOPHYSIOLOGY ... decade of life, Males
Dupuytren’s Disease: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
 • Aging, smoking and/or diabetes -> Microangiopathy and palmar fascia
penetrance • Males ... #Contractures #pathophysiology
X-Linked Agammaglobulinemia: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
The epidemiology of this disease is 1/340,000 births and roughly double
double this rate in male ... Agammaglobulinemia #XLinked #pathophysiology
Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS)
Acute autoimmune demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy that presents with rapidly progressive flaccid weakness
 • Incidence: 1
slightly greater in males ... the underlying pathophysiology