53 results
Physical exam findings of various ocular palsies; image courtesy of the BMJ

R 3rd nerve palsy
R 4th
various ocular palsies ... #CranialNerve #Palsies
Algorithm showing a stepwise approach to the assessment and investigation of a possible neuropathy. CIDP, chronic
liability to pressure palsies
Syphilis - Diagnosis and Management - Primary vs Secondary vs Tertiary
Primary Syphilis
 • Localized lymphadenopathy
cranial nerve palsies
Lyme Disease: Early and Late Clinical manifestations
Stage 1. Localized
 • EM appears 7-14 days at the
meningitis, CN palsies
Wernicke Encephalopathy - Triad

 • Disorientation 
 • Indifference 
 • Inattentiveness 
Ocular motor dysfunction
Conjugate gaze palsies
Causes of Hemiplegia - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Cerebral Hemisphere (Contralateral motor cortex)
 • Aphasia
 • Apraxia
Cranial Nerve Palsies
Extraocular Muscle Actions & Clinical Testing
What about clinical testing of extraocular muscle function & associated nerve
depression Nerve Palsies
Paget’s Disease: Complications
Abnormal Osteoclasts cause excessive bone turnover -> Incr bone resorption, Incr (abnormal) bone formation

cranial nerve palsies ... Cranial Nerve Palsies
Guillain-Barre Syndrome - Summary

Acute AIDP that presents with rapidly progressive flaccid weakness

 • 1-2 cases/100,000 per
• Facial Nerve Palsies
Abnormalities of the Arterial Pulse and Pressure Waves.
 - Small, Weak Pulses 
 - Large, Boundlng
- Small, Weak Pulses ... Large, Boundlng Pulses