John Kevin Dayao @kevind
289.6K 36 25
MS3, UC San Diego School of Medicine Interested in pediatrics and community-based medicine.
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14 results
Bilateral Vestibular Schwannomas in Neurofibromatosis Type 2- ...Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain performed after the
Schwannomas in Neurofibromatosis ... a hallmark of neurofibromatosis ... affected with neurofibromatosis ... clinical #radiology #MRI ... #schwannomas #neurogfibromatosis
Trypanosoma cruzi Reactivation in the Brain- ...Magnetic resonance images of the brain showed a mass measuring
reactivation #brain #MRI
Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection- Ultrasonographic images showed ventricular dilatation in the fetal brain, and T2-weighted magnetic resonance
NEJM #radiology #MRI ... #CT #computed #
Laryngocele- ...On physical examination, he had nontender, compressible swelling in the left cervical region that transmitted
laryngoscope #radiology #CT
Echinococcal Cysts in the Liver- The physical examination revealed hepatomegaly with a palpable hepatic mass. Laboratory
hepatic #radiology #CT
Chronic Occlusion of the Superior Vena Cava- On physical examination, marked venous dilatation was apparent on
Computed tomographic (CT ... , as seen in a CT ... photo #radiology #CT
Amebic Liver Abscess- ...Computed tomography of the abdomen performed after the administration of contrast material revealed
clinical #radiology #CT
Tuberculous Peritonitis- ...A computed tomographic scan obtained after the administration of contrast material showed a large
NEJM #radiology #CT
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis- Computed tomography of the chest, reconstructed in the coronal plane at the level of the
LAM #radiology #CT
Thumbprinting in Ischemic Colitis- Contrast-enhanced computed tomography of the abdomen, performed to evaluate the possibility of
clinical #radiology #CT