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10 results
Diffuse Sclerosis Variant—PTC 
 - Rare variant of PTC 
 - Approximately 3% ofall PTC
Diffuse Sclerosis ... aakasharmand #Diffuse ... #Variant #PTC #Papillary ... #Thyroid #Cancer
Hobnail variant of PTC: micropapillary architecture, dense eosinophilic cytoplasm, hobnail cells with apical nuclei, and marked
#Hobnail #PTC #Papillary ... #Thyroid #Carcinoma
Amiodarone induced thyroid changes

Histopath: Remarkably enlarged follicles, distended with colloid, without 
scalloping, and lined by flattened
Amiodarone induced thyroid ... #Amiodarone #thyroid
Strongyloides stercoralis Hyperinfection - Physical examination revealed reticulated purpuric patches with dusky centers on the abdomen,
Bronchoscopy revealed diffuse
Disseminated Cysticercosis - Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the head revealed diffuse hyperintense septated cystic lesions
head revealed diffuse
Sarcoid in the Thyroid - Pathology

Not all thyroid granulomas are subacute thyroiditis- this is sarcoidosis! Can
Sarcoid in the Thyroid ... Pathology Not all thyroid ... Sarcoid #Granuloma #Thyroid
This macrofollicular thyroid tumor is so very bland... but so perfectly invasive! You can really never
macrofollicular thyroid ... macrofollicular #thyroid
Bacillary Angiomatosis - Pathology Slides

Check out this delightful example of bacillary angiomatosis, which presented as a
Bacillary Angiomatosis ... delightful example of bacillary ... LizMontgomeryMD #Bacillary
Morphologic spectrum of salivary secretory carcinoma: microcystic or papillary-cystic architecture, abundant eosinophilic vacuolated cytoplasm, bubbly luminal
microcystic or papillary-cystic
Oncocytic Variant of Medullary Carcinoma
Don't assume every oncocytic thyroid tumor is a Hurthle cell neoplasm! Nested
every oncocytic thyroid