19 results
Dilated Extra-Renal Pelvis on POCUS
Patient with simple renal cyst but also with impressively dilated extra renal
RJonesSonoEM #Dilated #ExtraRenal
Diagnosis of Hypokalemia - Differential Algorithm 

Categorized by Causes: Redistribution, Extrarenal Losses, Renal Losses (High and
Redistribution, Extrarenal
Hypernatremia - Differential Diagnosis Workup Algorithm

1) Check Urine Osmolality:
 > 600 mOsm/kg - Implies extrarenal mechanism
mOsm/kg - Implies extrarenal ... Volume Status Extrarenal
Drugs associated with hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia

- Shift from extracellular fluid to intracellular fluid compartment
bicarbonate - Extrarenal ... Hypomagnesemia - Extrarenal
Causes of Hypernatremia - Differential Diagnosis
Inadequate water intake:
 • Lack of access to water
Extrarenal hypotonic fluid
access to water Extrarenal
Acute Kidney Injury - Differential Diagnosis Framework
 - Intrarenal vasoconstriction-hemodynamically mediated
 - Systemic vasodilation
 - Volume
Framework PRERENAL: - Intrarenal ... urinary outflow - Extrarenal ... retroperitoneal fibrosis - Intrarenal
Classification, Differential Diagnosis, and Features of Hyponatremia According to Volume Status 

Hypervolemic hypernatremia 
 - CHF
nephropathy Extrarenal
Hypokalemia Differential Diagnosis Algorithm

Low intake 
• poor oral intake 

Renal loss 
• Medication 
• Hypomagnesemia 
Bartter's syndrome Extrarenal
Hypernatremia Classification and Features According to Volume Status
 - Hypervolemic hypernatremia - Cushing's syndrome, Primary hyperaldosteronism,
Postobstructive diuresis - Extrarenal
Causes of Hyponatremia - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Hypovolemia, UNa > 20: 
 • Renal losses, Diuretic excess,
UNa < 20: • Extrarenal